To reach the power of lucidity means being able to

free yourself from the manipulations of the collective

unconscious and the human matrix and its standards of

battle and scarcity.


Lucidity is the knowledge key for evolutionary deci-

sions that will bring you peace and happiness to enable


the connection with the divine matrix through the

higher self.

People would normally conduct themselves through

life searching for satisfaction of their necessities and

desires without deeper questioning and therefore, by

the law of attraction, they create their own dimension

of karmic repetitions. Their own psychic metaverse.

Without realizing it, they become reactive to the here

and now by using an illusionary filter of traumas or

future expectations instead of living and optimizing the

only possible reality. The present moment.


Only the neutral mind awakening is capable of clea-

ring the meaning of our existence!

Autor Marcello Cotrim
ISBN 9786559273812
Páginas 130
Formato 14cm x 21cm
NCM 49019900
Categoria E-book - Livros digitais

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The power of Lucidity - Marcello Cotrim (E-book)

  • Modelo: E-book
  • Disponibilidade: Em estoque
  • R$43,40

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